Original NameHaut Niger National Park - Kouya Core Area
English DesignationNational Park
IUCN Management CategoryNot Reported
Type of DesignationNational
Status Year1952
Governance TypeNot Reported
Management AuthorityNot Reported
Management PlanNot Reported
International CriteriaNot Applicable
Management Effectiveness Evaluations
IMET2019, 2021
No information available
Sources (1)
Haut Niger National Park - Kouya Core AreaUpdated: 2004Bissau Guinea Transboundary Proposed Park (under Appui à la Gestion Intégrée des Ressources (Programme Régional) -AGIR- Project)
UNEP-WCMC (2025). Protected Area Profile for Haut Niger National Park - Kouya Core Area from the World Database on Protected Areas, January 2025. Available at: www.protectedplanet.net