Volovské vrchy

555541627 WDPA ID
1214.21 km² Reported Area

Type Terrestrial and Inland Waters Protected Areas

Location Slovakia


  • Original Name Volovské vrchy
  • English Designation Special Protection Area (Birds Directive)
  • IUCN Management Category Not Reported
  • Status Designated
  • Type of Designation Regional
  • Status Year 2003
  • Sublocation
  • Governance Type Federal or national ministry or agency
  • Management Authority See European Commission Geospatial Data Catalogue for more information - https://sdi.eea.europa.eu/catalogue/srv/api/records/95e717d4-81dc-415d-a8f0-fecdf7e686b0
  • Management Plan See European Commission Geospatial Data Catalogue for more information - https://sdi.eea.europa.eu/catalogue/srv/api/records/95e717d4-81dc-415d-a8f0-fecdf7e686b0
  • International Criteria Not Applicable

Management Effectiveness Evaluations

No information available


No information available

Sources (1)

  1. Natura 2000 Updated: 2024 Directorate-General for Environment (EU) via EEA

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UNEP-WCMC (2024). Protected Area Profile for Volovské vrchy from the World Database on Protected Areas, October 2024. Available at: www.protectedplanet.net