Breeding Ground of Sea Birds (Black Wood Pigeon and Streaked Shearwater) on Sasudo Island, Jeju

555622276 WDPA ID
0.07 km² Reported Area

Type Marine Protected Areas

Location Republic Of Korea


  • Original Name 제주 사수도 바닷새류(흑비둘기, 슴새) 번식지(천연기념물 제333호)
  • English Designation Natural Monument
  • IUCN Management Category IV
  • Status Designated
  • Type of Designation National
  • Status Year 1982
  • Sublocation KR-49
  • Governance Type Federal or national ministry or agency
  • Management Authority Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea
  • Management Plan Not Reported
  • International Criteria Not Applicable

Management Effectiveness Evaluations

No information available


No information available

Sources (1)

  1. Protected Areas of Korea Updated: 2024 Ministry of Environment, Korea National Park Service and Korea Protected Areas Forum on behalf of Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Cultural Heritage Administration, Korea Forest Service & MAB National Committee of the Republic of Korea

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UNEP-WCMC (2024). Protected Area Profile for Breeding Ground of Sea Birds (Black Wood Pigeon and Streaked Shearwater) on Sasudo Island, Jeju from the World Database on Protected Areas, September 2024. Available at: