01 January 19

WDPA and WD-OECM Manual

The WDPA and WD-OECM User Manual provides information and guidance about the data held within the databases, including its history, how it is collected, managed and distributed, and how it should be interpreted and used for analyses and research. The Manual has been prepared for data providers and data users.

For any queries regarding collation, use, processing of the database, or any feedback regarding this manual please contact protectedareas@unep-wcmc.org.

Latest version

Read/Download version 1.6 in English

Read/Download version 1.6 in French

Read/Download version 1.6 in Spanish

Read/Download version 1.6 in Russian

Old versions

Read/Download version 1.5 in Arabic

Quick guides

This short guide, available in English, Spanish, French and Russian provides a brief overview of how to provide data and what to expect after doing so.

Providing data to Protected Planet: a quick guide (English)

Fournir des données à Protected Planet : un guide pratiqu (French)

Proporcionar datos a Protected Planet: una guía rápida (Spanish)

Предоставление данных в Охраняемую Планету®: краткое руководство (Russian)


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